Retirement Boost or Bust? A Nobel Prize was awarded to Economist Richard Thaler, who created an automatic 401k enrollment program that has saved retiree’s billions. Steve is skeptical whether this is really good for everyone’s wallet and is as great as it is hyped up to be. Stay tuned.
Retiring Early: Steve will cover the topic of retiring early and how to use your own judgement to navigate through the numbers. Steve will explain why an age or a number isn’t the best way to plan for your future.
Trump’s Tax Proposal: In the news, there has been a lot of negative reviews about President Trump’s tax proposal but Steve will give you his take on it and ways it can boost the U.S economy.
This week, we have a jam-packed show for you!
The Fiduciary, Stranded: The new fiduciary rules are on hold due to impending lawsuits. Steve will bring Mark Schoeff Jr. (@markschoeff) of Investment News onto the program to find out who's opposing the rule and explain why it's a disservice to American investors everywhere.
Transitions and Cash Flow: Steve will give you his take on how to navigate transitioning towards retirement while maintaining financial security. The answer is simpler than you think.
Fudging the Rules: Steve Wendel (@sawendel), head behavioral scientist at Morningstar, joins the program! He believes that everyone cheats themselves out of money--even with a great plan in place! Is that possible? Steve's on the case!
Brexit Breakdown: Steve will have Joe Cortese of DiMeo Schneider & Associates on the program to discuss England's looming EU vote. Why are American investors so concerned? That and more ahead!
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