
Your Life Your Wealth

Exclusive interviews from the nation's most renowned experts on topics ranging from personal finance to global markets and politics. Expert insights for enhancing Your Life and Your Wealth brought to you by Cordasco Financial Network.
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Jun 11, 2021

There are numerous benefits of state-sponsored 529 plans. The reality is that too many investors with the intention of helping a future student aren’t aware of the tax savings and other advantages they offer.  Today, CFN’s John Walker and Tim Joseph, CPA, discuss how 529 plans have evolved over the years becoming increasingly more flexible and advantageous for the saver and the student. 

Listening Time: 21 minutes

Jun 4, 2021

In recent weeks, many Your Life Your Wealth listeners have asked questions and expressed concerns about inflation and its impact on the future well-being of our economy and on their personal finances.  Today, Steve discusses inflation and its relationship to both the post-pandemic reopening of our economy and the massive government spending legislation. He offers his perspective on the possible duration of these inflationary times and how appropriate government spending can bolster our economic future.

Listening Time: 17 minutes

May 28, 2021

The most common workplace retirement savings plan is the 401k. Aside from the value of your home, it’s likely your largest asset. A surprising number of 401k savers view this money as an accessible pre-retirement emergency fund should a costly and unexpected expenditure arise. CFN’s John Walker and Dennis Jablonoski sit in for Steve Cordasco today and discuss maintaining 401k plan integrity, and why borrowing from a 401k is usually a bad idea. They also share what business owners and 401k plan managers can do to reduce what is often called plan leakage, employee 401k loans, withdrawals, or cash-outs.

Listening Time: 20 minutes

May 21, 2021

Most couples look forward to their retired years together. But, what happens if you and your partner have different views of what life in retirement should actually be?  What if you disagree on finances, family or living arrangements? Steve discusses strategies to help the nearly 50% of couples who admit experiencing conflict and making mistakes relating to money when planning for, or living in, retirement.

Listening Time: 26 minutes

May 14, 2021

If you consumed any news this past week, the word most frequently heard or read was "inflation." The media’s near-obsession stemmed from the release of higher than expected Consumer Price Index figures. We don’t like seeing those higher numbers, and for some they stoke fears of run-away inflation as happened in decades past. Today, CFN’s John Walker welcomes Joe Cortese, senior consultant at Fiducient (formerly known as DiMeo Schneider) and member of the CFN Investment Team. Joe provides important context to what we’re seeing in the market and outlines an appropriate course of action to take.

Listening Time: 21 minutes

May 7, 2021

Ian Comisky, partner in the law firm of Fox Rothschild, author and law professor at the University of Pennsylvania joins today’s podcast. Ian is with us each year at this time to discuss new tax law, forthcoming federal regulations and IRS enforcement.

Listening Time: 21 minutes

Apr 30, 2021

Among the effects of the pandemic are adjustments many of us are experiencing at work. As workforce needs change, some employers are finding it necessary to reduce staff and are offering early exit packages to employees nearing retirement age. Cordasco Financial Network CPA’s Tim Joseph and Jim Tate co-host today’s podcast and discuss the many important financial and tax considerations necessary to properly evaluate an early retirement offer.    

Listening Time: 15 minutes

Apr 23, 2021

As the federal government looks for ways to increase revenue, estate tax laws will soon change. Senator Bernie Sanders has formally proposed a bill, supported by President Biden, called “For The 99.5% Act.” The changes will significantly increase the amount of tax due, based on the value of your estate.  Today, Steve presents a call-to-action.  He discusses the proposal and several planning moves you should consider prior to the new tax laws taking effect.

Listening Time: 22 minutes

Apr 23, 2021

New Jersey recently enacted legislation that requires business owners, who do not offer employees a qualified retirement plan and who have 25 or more employees, to automatically enroll those employees in the New Jersey Secure Choice Savings Program. New Jersey is one of ten states to enact the legislation, more are sure to follow.  Steve is joined by Retirement Plan Specialist, Dennis Jablonoski, CRPS, to discuss the merits of this mandatory program and some deficiencies both employers and employees may realize once these plans are operational.

Listening Time: 22 mins

Apr 9, 2021

If you’re a business owner or employee, changes in the labor and job market will continue to have a direct impact on your financial wellbeing. Steve is joined by Rick Grimaldi, author of FLEX: A Leader's Guide to Staying Nimble and Mastering Transformative Change in the American Workplace. Rick is an attorney and partner with the firm Fisher Phillips, a management side labor and employment law firm. Topics discussed include the growing gig economy, the minimum wage debate, how and why the latest trends in the labor market are closely tied to the economy, and more. 

Listening Time: 31 minutes

Apr 2, 2021

It’s the surest sign that spring has arrived, baseball season is here.  Cordasco Financial Network’s John Walker and Dennis Jablonoski team up for a winning podcast teaching us the many financial lessons that can be learned from the game of baseball. From the risk reward comparison, to knowing that you don’t always come away with a win, to understanding that there’s always another day to play, there is much to learn from America’s greatest pastime.     

Listening Time: 24 minutes

Mar 26, 2021

We invest to grow the money we’ve earned and secure our future. For some however, it now goes beyond that. There are investors who not only want to increase their wealth, but want to know that the companies they invest in will have a positive social impact and are aligned with the causes they support.  Today, Steve discusses all sides of the growing trend of impact investing including performance when compared to a more traditional approach, and whether or not direct contributions to a cause may have a greater impact.

Listening Time: 20 minutes

Mar 19, 2021

As a record amount of stimulus money enters our economy, concerns about inflation rise.  CFN's Founder and CEO Steve Cordasco presents this special in-depth discussion on ways inflation can affect your life and wealth. He discusses the root causes of inflation, how it can impact the future of your cash, bond and equity holdings, and details important defensive actions smart investors should consider if inflation worries persist.  

Listening Time: 29 minutes

Mar 12, 2021

The April 15, 2021, tax deadline is only a month away and the recently passed stimulus package contains federal legislation that may impact your 2020 tax return. Cordasco Financial Network CPA Tim Joseph joins Steve to discuss why you may want to consider delaying your tax filing this year, and the importance of putting a strategic tax plan into action with professional help beyond your tax preparer. 

Listening Time: 28 minutes

Mar 5, 2021

Cordasco Financial Network’s Director of Business Development John Walker sits in for Steve today and is joined by CFN Relationship Manager and Financial Advisor Desiree Reil.  In commemorating International Women’s Day this week, they discuss the unique investing and retirement challenges faced by women and cover strategies to help female investors overcome some of the often significant disadvantages they encounter.

Listening Time: 17 minutes 

Feb 26, 2021

401k plans are the focus of today’s podcast.  Steve is joined by Cordasco Financial Network Retirement Plan Specialist Dennis Jablonoski.  They offer insight and guidance for employees who participate in a 401k plan and for business owners or managers responsible for overseeing their company’s plan.  They discuss contribution limits, permissible catch-up contributions, the value of an employer match, consumer protections, new 401k rules for 2021 and more.

Listening Time: 30 minutes

Feb 19, 2021

The price of bitcoin has surged 350% in just the last six months as major investors and large companies have begun to adopt its use.  Average investors have taken notice and see it as a potential opportunity.  Today we discuss bitcoin, one specific form of cryptocurrency, grabbing the headlines. Steve is joined by Cordasco Financial Network’s Client Service Specialist Evan Salter and Steve Proffer, a member of CFN’s Investment Committee. Evan helps us understand what bitcoin actually is, how the technology works and why its been so readily embraced by younger investors. Steve Proffer offers perspective on bitcoin’s appropriateness for inclusion in an investor’s long-term portfolio as well as what may be driving large companies to accept bitcoin as currency.

Listening Time: 26 minutes

Feb 12, 2021

The current economic conditions have created the need to change some of the investments used to build portfolios at Cordasco Financial Network. Our new investment allocation will have a significant impact on our bond investing. We’re taking a proactive stance, and using a strategy that includes a more actively managed dynamic bond portfolio. Today, Steve is joined by CFN Financial Planner Ryan Flurer to discuss the reasons for change and detail much of the work that goes into architecting an investment portfolio specifically designed and maintained to meet the ongoing needs of each individual investor.

Listening Time: 32 minutes

Feb 6, 2021

Cordasco Financial Network’s John Walker guides a discussion with CFN CPAs Tim Joseph and Jim Tate discussing important tax considerations for your 2020 IRS tax filing.  The COVID-19 pandemic has had a financial impact in several areas that will need special attention from you and your tax preparer this year to ensure the accuracy of your return.

Listening Time: 21 minutes

Jan 29, 2021

This week, the story of the astronomical rise in share price of GameStop, as well as a handful of other companies in decline, caught nearly everyone’s attention.  As a good David vs. Goliath story usually does. Share prices were driven up by small individual investors using the social media platform called Reddit.  It was an organized effort that resulted in many large hedge fund managers, who had shorted these companies, to experience significant losses as their stock values skyrocketed.  CFN’s John Walker is joined by Larry Shaw from the CFN Investment Committee and Financial Planner and CFN technology manager Ryan Flurer. They discuss what happened, why it is significant, how the technology was used and what future implications this kind of activity may, or may not, have on investors like you.

Listening Time: 28 minutes

Jan 22, 2021

For many Americans, social security will be an integral part of retirement cash flow. We’ve paid into the system all of our working lives and we expect to collect our benefits. In order to make that happen, a sound social security strategy is essential for all of us entering our retirement years.  Determining the best age to begin taking benefits, understanding the tax implications for your unique situation, and many other factors go into making the best social security decisions. Cordasco Financial Network CPA Tim Joseph and Financial Planner Ryan Flurer share information you need to know to maximize your social security benefits and they discuss the CFN tools they use to help in the process.

Listening Time: 20 minutes

Jan 17, 2021

Today, Steve is joined by Chartered Financial Analyst and Market Strategist Stephen Proffer of the Investment Team at Cordasco Financial Network.  They discuss our recently released report 2021 Outlook: Poised for Growth. Their discussion is centered around the direction stocks and bonds may take during 2021 given our current and expected economic conditions. They also discuss the often-asked question about the appropriateness of cryptocurrencies in an average investor’s portfolio. To view the full report, click here.   

Jan 8, 2021

In this week’s podcast, Steve discusses why it’s important to understand and embrace the reality that there are many aspects of our financial lives we simply cannot control. For example, the direction of the financial markets, or the degree to which we will be impacted by tax increases aren’t things we can influence. Therefore, our efforts and attention need to be focused on those things we can control. Steve explains several strategic financial moves to help us be prepared, and lessen any potential negative impact from things outside of our control.  

Listening Time:18 minutes

Dec 31, 2020

Steve is joined by Financial Advisor and CPA Tim Joseph of the CFN team to discuss the latest information on the federal government’s next iteration of the Payroll Protection Program, known as PPP.  The program directly impacts business owners, but Steve also explains how PPP affects the overall economy and ultimately the wealth of all Americans.  Then, the discussion turns to estate tax planning, capital gains, the gift tax and more. With the Biden economic team undoubtedly seeking changes to our existing tax laws, careful planning is now more important than ever. Steve and Tim discuss several strategies.

Listening Time: 33 minutes

Dec 23, 2020

CFN Financial Planner, Retirement Plan and Investment Specialist Dennis Jabloloski is joined by Eric Green, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, Senior Portfolio Manager, and Senior Managing Partner at Penn Capital. They offer their perspective on the markets from the past year. They also take a look ahead at what we might expect for 2021 in the stock and bond markets, specific sectors within the markets and how politics and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic may impact our economy over the next 12 months.   

Listening Time: 18 minutes

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