Scratch and Whiff?: Kent Grote, an assistant professor of Economics and Business at Lake Forest College, will join the show to discuss the importance of state lotteries. How important are they for states and where does the money go? Steve will get the answers!
No Manors: The Treasury Department is amending the estate tax. Steve will break down what Trump thinks, what Hillary thinks, and why it matters to you!
Expert Amateurs: Spencer Jakab will join the show. He’s the author of a new book "Heads I win, Tails I Win” He’ll explain how even experts make mistakes in investing and how you can be successful by being CHEAP and LAZY!
Two-Bit Coins: Steve will explain how Bitcoin being hacked for $65 million dollars can be a good lesson for this election season!
This week on the "Your Life, Your Wealth" Network, Steve Cordasco brought you the latest insights on what's happening in the world of personal finance, politics, and current events that matter to you. Here's what's in-store in the downloadable podcast:
Labor Love: Attorney Rick Grimaldi joined the show to discuss the relationship between the Democrats and labor. What is the TPP and why do they find it so important? How could union rules change under Hillary Clinton? All that and more ahead!
Faithful Feeling Berned: Bernie Sanders' speech was an important moment for the DNC. It also showed Steve that Bernie is a fraud. He explains why AND gives his take on Michelle Obama's controversial speech.
A New Bill?: Leon Lazaroff, deputy managing editor of, joined Steve to discuss Hillary Clinton's economic policy. What are her stances on minimum wage? Will she regulate Wall Street? Would this be Bill Clinton's presidency all over again? Steve got the answers!
Pokemon? NO!: Pokemon GO has become a national sensation, but investors in the game made a grave mistake. Steve explained what that mistake was and tells you how to avoid it!
Want more of Steve's insights? Check out our featured articles & blog posts by clicking HERE.
This week on the "Your Life, Your Wealth" Network, Steve Cordasco brings you the latest insights on what's happening in the world of personal finance, politics, and current events that matter to you. Here's what's in-store in the downloadable podcast:
The "Write" Choice: Presidential candidate Laurence Kotlikoff joined the show to discuss why social security is broken, how to fix it, and why he deserves your vote in 2016!
Broken Bonds: Michael Shamosh of the West Shore Fund explains why global bond yields are trending at all time lows, and what it means for your portfolio.
HC, AC, and the GOP: Brent Johnson of joined the show to talk about Hillary Clinton's speech in Atlantic City. How did she attack Trump? Did she address the e-mails? He also gave insight into VP candidates Cory Booker (D) and Chris Christie (R).
To join the conversation, follow us on social media!
This week on the "Your Life, Your Wealth" program, Steve Cordasco brings you the latest insights on what's happening in the world of personal finance, politics, and current events that matter to you. Here's what's in-store for this week's episode:
UK, OK?: Steve was joined by author and economist Jim Rickards to discuss the economic impact of Brexit. Is the worst over? Is the American dollar holding up? How will the Fed respond? Steve get's the answers!
Retirement Rates Revisited: Bill Bengen, independent researcher and contributor to Financial Adviser Magazine, joined the program to discuss the retirements of previous generations. Are retirements today more secure than those in the past? How are those who retired in 2000 and 2008 fairing? Stay tuned!
Movers and Shakers: Steve broke down some of the major player's thoughts on Brexit. He also explained why remembering the pain of Brexit is important for your wallet and more!
Summer Vacation Blues: Plenty of people make a big, COSTLY mistake when it comes to paying for summer vacations. Don't be a victim. Details ahead!
If you haven't already, make sure to join us on social media! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn!
Welcome to the program! Steve has a wonderful show for you this week.
Matchmaker, Matchmaker: Whether you know the term or not, Matchmakers continue to play a bigger role in our lives. Author Richard Schmalensee will join Steve to explain what a matchmaker is, how stable they are as investments, and their seemingly limitless potential.
Working for Yourself is...a Bad Thing?: Steve Tobak of Forbes and Fox Business will join the show to discuss how the growing "gig economy" has impacted the nation. Also, why is the number of contractors growing and who is responsible? We'll have the answers soon!
Microsoft is Buying Into LinkedIn, You Should Too!: Wayne Breitbarth, author of The Power Formula for LinkedIn Success, joins the show! Steve will find out how you can improve your profile, how to handle connection requests from strangers, and other important questions!
If you want to stay involved with us throughout the week, check out our social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Just search CFNPLAN!
This week, we have a jam-packed show for you!
The Fiduciary, Stranded: The new fiduciary rules are on hold due to impending lawsuits. Steve will bring Mark Schoeff Jr. (@markschoeff) of Investment News onto the program to find out who's opposing the rule and explain why it's a disservice to American investors everywhere.
Transitions and Cash Flow: Steve will give you his take on how to navigate transitioning towards retirement while maintaining financial security. The answer is simpler than you think.
Fudging the Rules: Steve Wendel (@sawendel), head behavioral scientist at Morningstar, joins the program! He believes that everyone cheats themselves out of money--even with a great plan in place! Is that possible? Steve's on the case!
Brexit Breakdown: Steve will have Joe Cortese of DiMeo Schneider & Associates on the program to discuss England's looming EU vote. Why are American investors so concerned? That and more ahead!
Want to get your retirement on track? Download our NEW retirement guide and get started today! CLICK HERE!
Fed Chairwoman, Janet Yellen was in Philadelphia this week. Steve spoke with her prior to her big speech downtown, and he shares the highlights of her speech, the personal conversation they had, and what is all means for you and your money.
Senior Vice President at 1st Colonial Bank, Jerry Silvi joins the show to talk about co-signed loans, reverse mortgages and the latest trends in banking that may affect you.
Michael Shamosh, Portfolio Manager for the West Shore Funds joins Steve to discuss the recent bump in commodities as well as some hidden ways the government taxes your investments without you being fully aware of the consequences.
All of this and more is in-store for you on this episode of Your Life, Your Wealth! If you haven't already, please consider giving our show a rating and review on your podcast player of choice.
Welcome once again to the "Your Life, Your Wealth" program! Steve has a great program for you today, and we're excited to bring it to you.
There is a lot of talk about the resurgence of the housing market, and fears that another real estate bubble may be developing. Steve brings in one of the foremost real estate experts, Bryan Crabtree (@bryancrabtree) - host of the radio program "Real Estate with Bryan and Mackenzie" on AM920 in Atlanta, GA to discuss the current state of the American housing market and what it may mean for your own property values.
Keeping with a theme Steve's been discussing recently, he brings in the "Father of the 401k", Ted Brenna! Ted and Steve discuss the genesis of the 401k plan, it's current level of effectiveness, and some potential changes that may be coming. If you're number one retirement savings vehicle is your 401k, then you'll want to hear what the father of the plan has to say.
If you haven't already, please take a moment and rate our show in iTunes! CLICK HERE to rate and write a review for our program now!
The Your Life, Your Wealth program may be new, but that hasn't stopped Steve Cordasco from bringing you some of the most interesting and educational guests and topics for your financial life.
In this episode, we recall the "best of" the Your Life, Your Wealth program.
First up, Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) joins Steve from the prestigious Union League to discuss the Donald Trump, the November election and how Bill Clinton may be brought in as the new "Economy Czar".
Next, is a stock market crash imminent? Yale Professor Will Goetzmann joins the program to discuss the possibility of a crash and how you can prepare your portfolio for it.
We all mourned the passing of Prince, but the estate planning failures are also tragic. Danielle Mayoras (@daniellemayoras) from "Trial & Heirs" joins the program to discuss how you can make sure your final affairs are in order.
Finally, Steve shares a recent piece he was featured in from USA Today, helping provide retirement planning strategies specific to those individuals who are facing their retirement as "singles". You can read the article by clicking here.
If you haven't already, make sure to join the conversation on TWITTER and FACEBOOK. You'll get access to all of our content that can help you prepare for a better retirement! Thank you for being a part of our program!
Steve has an excellent show for you today!
Are We in a Recession
Steve discusses the latest viral interview with Rich Zeoli on 1210 WPHT that has been getting a lot of traction. When asked about the current state of the economy, Steve explains why he believes we are actually in a recession. He dives into the details of this recent article and explains his view of the US economy today, and where it's going in the future.
"Sell in May and Go Away
Jake Summers, Investment Analyst from Cordasco Financial Network joins the program to discuss this old investment axiom and share his thoughts on the concepts of market timing. Jake and Steve break down some of the most popular stock market myths and help you understand how to navigate this environment.
Hugh Hewitt Joins Steve from the Union League
Syndicated radio show host, Hugh Hewitt joins Steve from a joint News Talk 990AM event at the Union League. From investments to politics, Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton, Steve and Hugh cover a number of topics that are making headlines today.
Don't miss out on this excellent show. As a reminder, please subscribe to the podcast and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
Steve has a great show for you this week!
Diana Furchtgott Roth - Columnist at and former Chief Economist for the US Department of Labor joins Steve to talk about Central State Pension Fund Issues. How did the fund get into this position and who’s responsible?
Anthony Novara - Senior Research Analyst from DiMeo Schneider and Associates will be on to help shed some light on Donald Trump's effect on the stock market, and why he isn't making as big of an impact as you might think.
How Trump & Hillary Invest...And What It Means For You - The two most prominent Presidential candidates have some very interesting investing habits. Steve uncovers the "portfolios" of each POTUS hopeful, and helps you understand what it may mean for you as well.
If you haven't already "LIKE" us on Facebook by CLICKING HERE or "FOLLOW" us on Twitter by CLICKING HERE to join the conversation!
Steve brings you another action-packed episode this week!
We all heard about the tragic recent passing of music icon Prince, but what may be equally tragic is the possibility that his entire multi-million dollar estate may be distributed according to the laws of the state of Minnesota, instead of the final wishes of Prince himself. Steve discusses the actions you should be taking in your estate planning process with experts Danielle Mayoras from and Stephanie Sanderson-Braem from Don't miss these timely insights!
Up next is William Goetzmann, Director of International Finance at the Yale School of Management. He recently completed an academic study which asks the question, "Are fears of impending stock market crashes really warranted?" Steve and Professor Goetzmann discuss this topic, and help shed some light on steps you can take to protect yourself and your investment portfolio.
Hear every episode by subscribing to this podcast and follow us on social media at or
Starting things off, Steve continues the discussion about the proposed plan that would wipe out 401K's for a government mandated retirement system. The architect of this plan, Teresa Ghilarducci (@tghilarducci) joins the show to debate it's merits. You can read more about her work and the details of this new plan by visiting
Next Steve brings a heavy-hitter from the Washington Post - Jim Tankersley (@jimtankersley) to discuss Donald Trump's proposed Chinese tariff as a means of bringing American manufacturing jobs back the U.S. Does a tariff really solve our manufacturing problems or might the unintended consequences do more harm than good?
Finally, Steve wraps-up the show with a deeper discussion of his recent interview with CBS 3 Philadelphia on the value of incorporating in Delaware. Steve's full interview can be seen here:
If you want to weigh-in with your thoughts, please email us at or send us at tweet at @CFNPlan.
Christian Weller is on the show for a fiery debate about the future of 401k's. Are 401k plans being replaced by government mandated savings plans? Christian Weller (@Prof_CEW) provides his policy focused insights while Steve Cordasco discusses the subject from a economics and small business owner point of view. You don't want to miss this guest.
Next up, Steve brings on Jim Rickards (@jamesgrickards) to discuss the recent reports of the fraying relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia. What does the recent President Obama meeting mean for your investment portfolio? Listen in to Steve and Jim's insights on the future of the global investment markets.
Finally, what can NBA star Kobe Bryant, MMA fighter Connor McGregor and rock band Van Halen teach you about retirement planning? Steve shares some interesting stories and expert advice that may make you think twice about the next steps of your retirement plan. You're going to love this segment.
If you haven't already, please subscribe to the podcast via iTunes, Stitcher or PodcastAddict on your mobile device.
Steve starts off the program with an excellent interview of an expert journalist, Mark Schoeff, Jr. Mark covers capitol hill and regulatory matters from Inside the Beltway for InvestmentNews, and has the latest take on the Department of Labor's new fiduciary ruling, as well as the potential collateral damage it may cause. You can learn more about Mark by visiting InvestmentNews or following him on Twitter @MarkSchoeff.
Is the fix in? Steve sheds light on the unusual recent White House meeting of Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen along with President Obama and Vice President Biden. What could they possibly be discussing? The coming November presidential election? The looming bankruptcy of our nation's largest coal company? Maybe the President's recent plans to forgive $8 Billion in student loan debt from 400,000 borrowers?
Speaking of student loan forgiveness, are we approaching a potential student debt crisis? Steve highlights the details of President Obama's loan forgiveness plan and shares his opinion on a possible solution for keeping education costs low and better preparing students for college.
If you want to participate in the show, connect with us on twitter @cfnplan or send an email to
Donald Trump is in the news again. This time with a recent comment about the stock market's coming crash. Steve shares his insights into the markets, as well as the process used at Cordasco Financial Network to help investors understand their risk and position their portfolios accordingly.
On a local topic, Steve addresses the recent Philadelphia visits of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Steve recently penned a post for the Philadelphia Business Journal Titled, "The Wall Between Presidential Candidates and Small Business" where he diagnosed this issue in depth. You can get that article by clicking HERE. Steve then shares a personal story about taking his son to Temple University to see Bernie Sanders in person, and speaks with Jason Mardinly--an adjunct professor at Temple about the on campus feeling of Bernie's visit.
Jim Rickards joins the show next, sharing the latest insights on gold from his new book, "The New Case For Gold". Steve and Jim discuss the recent run-up in the price of gold and the appropriate allocation of gold for the everyday investor's portfolio.
Steve concludes the show with a few final points about the recent Department of Labor financial industry ruling and corporate stock buybacks that are flooding the investment markets.
Enjoy the show!
Steve Cordasco had a jam-packed show this week!
Trump vs Clinton - Why do small banks say Hillary is getting their vote? What’s behind the reason for Clinton winning their vote? Would you move your money out of a bank that supports a candidate that you don't like? Gerry Banmiller of 1st Colonial Community Bank weighs in with his opinion on why more small banks say they like Clinton over Trump.
Also, Steve shares some of his thoughts on Trump's talking points about China. Is China really to blame for a decrease in U.S. manufacturing? Steve discusses this issue at length and points you to examine the evidence yourself by reading the latest article on this topic by clicking here: CATO INSTITUTE ARTICLE.
New Student Loan Directed to Parents - There is a new breed of private lenders offering parents a new product to finance a child's education. Is it a good deal? Will it replace the federal lending program? Why are the rates so much lower than the federal loan program? Why are colleges pushing these loans? Is it good for you and your children and grandchildren? Steve covers it in detail and shares some of the "devil in the details".
The new rule that could change your IRA advice - Does the new rule threaten your retirement or worse?
The Difficult Task of Helping our Aging Parents with Finances - Many have accumulated a nest egg and are providing a legacy by living within their means and keeping a close eye on their financial details. However, many aging parents are in a tough spot as they try to keep up with financial matters. As many are becoming incapacitated, finances are getting lost and difficult to handle for loved ones who try to help. How can you avoid this happening to your family? Steve provides tips on how to get involved before it gets too difficult.
Are We Near a Stock Market Crash - We will take a look at the markets and discuss the topic of a stock market crash and if you should be worried. Do you worry about a stock market crash? What makes us worried about a market crash? What can you do now to prepare yourself for the future?
Remember, you can listen to the show LIVE and call-in to share your thoughts every Thursday from 3pm-4pm EST!
Steve Cordasco is back on-the-air in this inaugural episode of "The Your Life, Your Wealth Network"!
In this episode, Steve engages with live callers about the recently released plans for a government mandate of all businesses to provide a "forced" retirement system to their employees. Is this "forced" system a necessary adjustment in response to a broken 401k system, or is this just another instance of government overreach into the private lives of American citizens? You decide.
Along with the discussion of small business, Steve turns his sights to the coming presidential election and the candidates seemingly silent stance on policies that will benefit middle-America small business owners. Bringing in experts, Steve shares soundbites from his one-on-one interviews with world renowned businessman Steve Forbes and economist Art Laffer. Discover what they think presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz should be saying to attract the support of small business owners across the country.
Finally, Steve shares more details about the new partnership with local Philadelphia radio station NewsTalk 990 WNPT, and how you can hear the show every Saturday morning at home or in the car.
Don't miss the exciting new LIVE streaming program, "The Your Life, Your Wealth Network"!
Steve Cordasco is back on the air!
The Your Life, Your Wealth program starts with an interview of Jim Rickards; New York Times best-selling author and Chief Global Strategist of the West Shore Fund. Steve and Jim discuss the latest piece from Rickards' Real Time Commentary titled: Back to the Future for the Fed. You can access that commentary HERE. Jim outlines the potential next move of the Federal Reserve, as they try to prevent secular stagnation, and what it means for you.
Next up, Joe Cortese, analyst at investment consulting giant DiMeo Schneider discusses the importance of asset allocation and diversified investment strategies for retirees looking to balance short-term volatility with long-term results. Joe provides excellent insight into the micro-side of the global financial markets.
Finally, Steve has a riveting interview with the Former Assistant Secretary for International Affairs at the Department of Economic Development and Commerce of Puerto Rico, Raul Vidal. Raul explains the recent phenomenon of businesses and retirees relocating to Puerto Rico for the purpose of facing more favorable tax treatment. Steve provides some insight into his experience with retired clients who have gone through the process of retiring in Florida, Puerto Rico, or internationally.
You don't want to miss this!