This week on the "Your Life, Your Wealth" Network, Steve Cordasco brought you the latest insights on what's happening in the world of personal finance, politics, and current events that matter to you. Here's what's in-store in the downloadable podcast:
Labor Love: Attorney Rick Grimaldi joined the show to discuss the relationship between the Democrats and labor. What is the TPP and why do they find it so important? How could union rules change under Hillary Clinton? All that and more ahead!
Faithful Feeling Berned: Bernie Sanders' speech was an important moment for the DNC. It also showed Steve that Bernie is a fraud. He explains why AND gives his take on Michelle Obama's controversial speech.
A New Bill?: Leon Lazaroff, deputy managing editor of, joined Steve to discuss Hillary Clinton's economic policy. What are her stances on minimum wage? Will she regulate Wall Street? Would this be Bill Clinton's presidency all over again? Steve got the answers!
Pokemon? NO!: Pokemon GO has become a national sensation, but investors in the game made a grave mistake. Steve explained what that mistake was and tells you how to avoid it!
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This week on the "Your Life, Your Wealth" Network, Steve Cordasco brings you the latest insights on what's happening in the world of personal finance, politics, and current events that matter to you. Here's what's in-store in the downloadable podcast:
The "Write" Choice: Presidential candidate Laurence Kotlikoff joined the show to discuss why social security is broken, how to fix it, and why he deserves your vote in 2016!
Broken Bonds: Michael Shamosh of the West Shore Fund explains why global bond yields are trending at all time lows, and what it means for your portfolio.
HC, AC, and the GOP: Brent Johnson of joined the show to talk about Hillary Clinton's speech in Atlantic City. How did she attack Trump? Did she address the e-mails? He also gave insight into VP candidates Cory Booker (D) and Chris Christie (R).
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This week on the "Your Life, Your Wealth" program, Steve Cordasco brings you the latest insights on what's happening in the world of personal finance, politics, and current events that matter to you. Here's what's in-store for this week's episode:
UK, OK?: Steve was joined by author and economist Jim Rickards to discuss the economic impact of Brexit. Is the worst over? Is the American dollar holding up? How will the Fed respond? Steve get's the answers!
Retirement Rates Revisited: Bill Bengen, independent researcher and contributor to Financial Adviser Magazine, joined the program to discuss the retirements of previous generations. Are retirements today more secure than those in the past? How are those who retired in 2000 and 2008 fairing? Stay tuned!
Movers and Shakers: Steve broke down some of the major player's thoughts on Brexit. He also explained why remembering the pain of Brexit is important for your wallet and more!
Summer Vacation Blues: Plenty of people make a big, COSTLY mistake when it comes to paying for summer vacations. Don't be a victim. Details ahead!
If you haven't already, make sure to join us on social media! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn!