There has been significant volatility in the equity markets during the past week, primarily in reaction to the global spread of the coronavirus. Ongoing news of the spread has caused market uncertainty. Markets are resilient, but fear of the unknown rattles investors’ nerves which promotes market volatility. CFN’s John Walker and Dennis Jabloloski are joined by Joe Cortese of the CFN investment team at DiMeo Schneider & Associates. They discuss the impact the growing threat of coronavirus could have on your portfolio and the importance of maintaining perspective and the long view.
Program Length: 20 minutes
Retail sales are a significant economic indicator. Consumer spending drives a huge part of our economy and helps move the markets, and consumer stocks do have a place in a diversified portfolio. In this episode the focus is on the current state of retail in brick-and-mortar locations and the impact of consistent growth in online retailing. The entire retail landscape continues to change and evolve rapidly with new technologies. CFN’s John Walker and Dennis Jablonoski talk with Stacey Sears, Small Cap Portfolio Manager at Emerald Asset Management and analyst in the consumer markets sector. Their conversation took place at Emerald Asset Management’s 27th Annual Ground Hog Day Investment Forum in Philadelphia.
Program Length: 15 minutes
It’s Valentine’s Day! A day, according to the greeting card and floral industries, to celebrate our love for the one closest to us. It’s also a day when we may think about various aspects of our relationships. Dealing with money, how it’s earned, how it’s spent and how it’s saved is an inescapable part of every couple’s existence, and statistics show that disagreements over money can cause the most stress in a relationship. Today, John Walker welcomes CFN colleagues Carolyn Brusilow, Ryan Flurer and Dennis Jablonoski for a round-table discussion. They share their experiences with money and relationships, and focus on ways to overcome differences about money with your significant other, whether it’s at home or in the financial planning process.
Program Length: 22 minutes
Information about the spread of Coronavirus is in the news every day and often affects the direction of the stock market. How much impact does news of the spreading virus have, and for how long does that impact last? CFN’s John Walker and Dennis Jablonoski put the current Coronavirus reporting in perspective and take a historical look at the impact several previous viral outbreaks have had on short and long term market performance.
Program Length: 16 minutes