Your gradual retirement can benefit you and your employer. If you retire abruptly from full-time work, the transition can be a shock to your system, and to those around you, particularly your spouse. At a time when a massive number of baby boomers are reaching retirement age, many employers are concerned about finding enough skilled workers to fill their shoes. Cordasco Financial Network’s John Walker sits for me and is joined by CFN's Brian Hillsberg to discuss the concept of easing into retirement by making a gradual transition. They discuss some of the perceived obstacles and detail the many benefits realized by employees and employers when a long-time employee enters retirement in phases. They also share a recent case study where together they helped facilitate a slow transition to retirement with excellent results.
Program Length: 22 minutes
Program Length:20 minutes
This week, I go back to the Your Life Your Wealth archives for a discussion on how you can deal with uncertainty and avoid making emotional decisions. I talk with former poker champ turned business consultant Annie Duke, author of “Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All The Facts.” Learn best practices for poker players and investors.
Program Length: 31 minutes
The IRS tax code, as it stands today, won’t survive. Some recent changes will either expire in 2026 or, if the political winds in Washington shift, perhaps sooner. Taxes are one of the biggest expenses you’ll face in retirement. Proper tax planning is imperative. In this episode, I detail four important strategies for Roth IRA conversions you can use today that will help you save on taxes in the years ahead.
Program Length: 33 minutes
How are you judging your investment success? Are you an outcome driven or performance driven investor? There are many priorities you should consider before simply judging the success of your investment strategy purely on performance numbers. As an investor, your priorities are unique. Measuring your investment returns against arbitrary benchmarks isn’t necessarily the best way to evaluate your specific situation. I discuss ways outcome driven investors more likely to attain success, as compared to those who focus entirely on the numbers.
Program Length 24 minutes
Program Length: 22 minutes
In the last ten years, exchange traded funds have become very popular, in part because investors can buy and sell any time the markets are open. In today’s discussion, I fill you in on something new called interval funds, which restrict total withdrawals to a range of 5% to 25% of fund assets in a specified period, such as once a quarter. Some fund companies believe interval funds can deliver higher returns because of illiquidity. These funds also use higher risk investments that are usually only available to wealthy or institutional investors.
Program Length: 24 minutes
Program Length: 23 minutes
Retirement Planning Tips for Age Gap Couples
Married couples with a sizable age difference face unique challenges relating to retirement. I discuss the issues including how age gap retirement impacts social security decisions, asset distributions, and other financial matters. I also talk about the psychological and social effects of one spouse retiring as the other maintains full-time employment.
Program Length: 25 minutes
A Shocking Number of Americans Unaware of The True Meaning of Memorial Day
Far too many Americans recently surveyed didn’t know that on Memorial Day we honor those who have served our country and paid the ultimate price. I’m joined by Col. Kenneth DeTreux, U.S.M.C. Ret., currently Commandant of Cadets at Valley Forge Military Academy & College to discuss the true meaning of Memorial Day.
Program Length: 18 minutes
Increase Your Investment Returns with this Tax Saving Strategy
I discuss tax loss harvesting, a way to realize losses to offset gains in your investment portfolio. It’s a strategy that could give you a half point increase in your investment returns, but there are some specific conditions you need to consider.
Program Length: 18 minutes
Social Security Scandal
Questions about the future solvency of the social security system populate our news feeds. There are a variety of gloomy predictions about the survival of the system. As a preamble to future podcasts on social security, I briefly discuss whether or not our nation’s pool of social security money should be more aggressively invested. Could more aggressive investing of those dollars reduce the likelihood of a coming social security shortfall? Some consider the failure to more aggressively invest a real social security scandal.
Program Length: 9 minutes
The Key to Real Retirement Happiness
My guest Michael Finke, Chief Academic Officer of the American College of Financial Services, has been researching the elements of true retirement happiness for years. His findings indicate that there are three strong predictors, the first two are money and health. The third, perhaps equally as important to the first two, is the nurturing of personal and social relationships, especially the quality of your relationship with your spouse. We go in-depth discussing his findings and focus, as we so often do, on the all-important life side of retirement. Our guest reinforces the fact that true happiness in your retired years can not be found exclusively through money or wealth.
Program Length: 26 minutes
The "Extra Eyes" Have It: Income Tax Review
At Cordasco Financial Network, we don’t “do" your taxes, but we do offer the invaluable service of looking over the details of your return to ensure accuracy and make certain every tax-saving opportunity is realized. CFN Financial Advisor John Walker joins me to discuss the details.
Program Length: 8 minutes
Jags to Jail Cells
Operation Varsity Blues is back in the news this week. Several high-profile wealthy parents pleaded guilty to tax evasion charges for trying to bribe their children's way into college. Those who didn’t plead guilty saw their charges increased from mail fraud to the more serious charges of money laundering and conspiracy to commit fraud. Philadelphia Attorney Ian Comisky, Partner with the firm Fox Rothschild, joins me to discuss the scandal along with other legal issues in the news this week.
Do You Know How Much Money You Will Really Need In Retirement?
The biggest fear many retirees have is running out of money. I’m joined by Aline Holzworth, a Behavioral Scientist at Duke University, who recently co-authored a Wall Street Journal article on her research to help determine the amount of money you may need in retirement. It’s a surprisingly high percentage of the annual income earned during your working years, and a much larger number than is often used as a rule-of-thumb by many planners. I also explain why it’s necessary to go beyond the numbers to live your best life in retirement.
Program Length: 14 minutes
Too many investors spend too much time chasing specific stocks or trying to time the market, while at the same time are careless about maximizing their tax benefits. Carefully managing your taxes is an area where you can have a significant impact on the growth of your investments. Being smart about where you invest for retirement and even smarter about which retirement accounts you withdraw from, and in what order, can make a significant difference in the amount of money you keep and how much you send to Uncle Sam. I share tips and strategies you need to know.
Program Length: 33 minutes
Jerome Powell says the Federal Reserve is going to be rate neutral for now. What do his comments mean to you? I talk with Senior Financial Analyst Joe Cortese. We discuss market fundamentals as we approach the end of the first quarter of 2019. Plus, the Fed’s inflation fight, corporate debt and the strength of the U.S. dollar. I also give my take on the markets and how volatility can bring opportunities.
Program Length: 25 minutes
It’s considered either a “fantastic new idea” or “the path to financial ruin.” There's a controversial new and growing trend relating to retirement called FIRE, Financial Independence Retire Early. It’s a movement, largely supported by millennials, promoting the idea of living frugally while saving up to half of your income early in your career, then retiring in your mid 40’s. I discuss the FIRE concept and look at the possible benefits and many problems connected to this very different type of financial life plan.
Program Length: 18 minutes
Jersey Shore Towns Take Hit on Property Values
Research indicates that the increase in property values at some Jersey Shore towns is being stunted by rising sea levels. Towns including Brigantine, Atlantic City, Sea Isle City, and North Wildwood are among the top 20 locations impacted, with the burgeoning retirement town of Ocean City being the hardest hit. I'm a resident of the Jersey Shore and skeptical of these findings, but wanted further detail. I’m joined by Columbia University researcher Jeremy Porter to explain his perspective on the data.
Program Length: 24 minutes
Retirement Account Consolidation
If you’ve worked for various companies during your career, you may have accumulated several 401(k) accounts. As retirement approaches, perhaps you should consider consolidating those accounts. This streamlining process can be complicated, and there could be benefits to maintaining separate accounts. I’ll walk you through the process and detail the pros and cons of retirement account consolidation.
Program Length: 18 minutes
Investing In Innovation: Disruptive Technologies
Catherine Wood, Groundhog Day presenter and CEO of ARC Invest, joins me for a discussion about investing in disruptive technologies. Ark Invest seeks investment opportunities with companies who specialize in technological innovations such as robotics, big data, cloud computing, and energy storage.
Program Length: 18 minutes
Giving Back to Those Who've Served: A Conversation with Rear Admiral Thomas C. Lynch (USN Ret.)
My broadcast from the 26th Annual Emerald Groundhog Day Investment Forum continues. I’m joined by Rear Admiral Thomas C. Lynch (USN Ret.) along with Joe Besecker, Founder, Chairman, and President of Emerald Asset Management. We discuss Admiral Lynch’s long and distinguished military and business career and his current work managing the nation’s leading VA mortgage company. Joe joins the conversation and discusses his personal and professional association with Admiral Lynch. Plus, we’ll revisit an entertaining encounter I had with Adm. Lynch, Roger Staubach, Joe Besecker, and my son Vincent, years back at an Army/Navy game.
Program Length: 22 minutes