Would you like to maintain your pre-retirement spending levels and standard of living after you’ve retired? Some, however, intend to spend more heavily in their early retirement years, believing they will spend less as they age. These spending considerations are an important part of your retirement planning, and there is often a disparity between spending intentions and spending reality. Today, John Walker, Regional Vice President, Mercer Advisors, discusses retirement spending patterns and how they relate to good planning. He also discusses a recent Boston College Center for Retirement Research study that looks at how retirees intend to spend vs. how they actually spend what they’ve saved.
Listening Time: 20 minutes
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Additional Mercer Advisors Disclosure
Cordasco Financial Network is a tradename. All services provided by Cordasco Financial Network investment professionals are provided in their individual capacities as investment adviser representatives of Mercer Global Advisors Inc. (“Mercer Advisors”), an SEC-registered investment adviser principally located in Denver, Colorado, with various branch offices throughout the United States doing business under different tradenames, including Cordasco Financial Network.
Mercer Advisors is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice to clients. All estate planning document preparation and other legal advice are provided through Advanced Services Law Group, Inc.