Recent market volatility resulting from the pandemic, inflation and now the Russian invasion of Ukraine has become a wake-up call for many. For several years, the stock market seemed to be going nowhere but up. Investor’s confidence in a rising stock market had caused some to more heavily invest in equities. Now may be a good time to take a careful look at your investment mix. Cordasco Financial Network’s John Walker is joined by Tim Joseph CFP® and CPA to discuss the need to ensure that the investment risk you’re taking across all of your accounts, including your 401k, is aligned with your risk tolerance.
Listening Time: 22 minutes
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Cordasco Financial Network is a tradename. All services provided by Cordasco Financial Network investment professionals are provided in their individual capacities as investment adviser representatives of Mercer Global Advisors Inc. (“Mercer Advisors”), an SEC-registered investment adviser principally located in Denver, Colorado, with various branch offices throughout the United States doing business under different tradenames, including Cordasco Financial Network.
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