“Brave New World”: The University of Pennsylvania had a Retirement Conference last week, and we have the latest news from Erin Arvedlund, Staff Writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer, who attended the conference. Tune in to hear expert insight on our current gig economy and how it will influence your retirement!
Cyber Security Tips: Did you know the world just experienced the worst cyber-attack ever? How many of you are curious about what actually happened and what it means to you? Do you want to know how to protect yourself online? We bring on Anthony Mongeluzo, CEO of PCS, the best in class IT consulting firm, to tell us what happened and what to do about it!
You’re Fired!: We all heard that President Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey, but what Steve finds interesting is the fact that throughout life, we all give someone who knows a lot about us the boot at one point or another. Whether it’s your dentist, doctor, accountant or hairdresser, Steve wants you to think about the relationships in your life and why we all go through this!